So after charging our old camera and putting the memory card in it, I was able to get at my photos... finally.
So here are pictures from my baby shower. My mom took all the pictures. I love my mom to pieces, but it is a well known joke in our family that she is a horrible photographer. Even with a digital camera, where she can see the pictures - she can't really get it right. Someone else was supposed to be taking the pictures - especially since I wanted my mom IN the pictures. Mom ended up with the camera. I have a sneaky suspicion that she just didn't want her picture taken so she stole the camera.
So out of all the blurry, unfocused shots - this is what was salvageable.
Me, Cristy (host) and Amanda with the cake. We have know each other since we were 9 or 10. It amazes me everyday that we still are in each others lives.
Here are some other close friends of mine, Kellie and Carrie. I met them through Michael. He has two very lucky friends who claim these two. They are in the middle. Kellie and her husband Jason are expecting a little baby girl in May. We are really excited to have little ones that will be so close in age.
Michael had a mini party with some of the guys that night. Football and games of pool with his buddies. And then there was a Wii Mario party back at our place.
Grandma Marie reading her wishes to the baby. She doesn't know it yet - but if Deedle is a girl, her name will be Eva, Grandma's first name. I am not sure, but she has always gone by her middle name Marie. My sister (-in-law) Kim, nephew and mother-in-law came too. Kim is so excited to be an aunt again, and she has been such a great help. She is going to single handily spoil our Deedle rotten.
Deedle's cousins... the girls: Joslyn, Jenny, Kayty, Madison and Sheriah.
Sheriah won the string game. it was so close that you could barely hold the ends together. All of the other guesses were too big. It was funny to see how off some were. I think the next closest was my friends daughter - she is 7.
Mom took most of the pictures from behind me... so this is the only one where you can see the gift or my face. The rest are great shots of the back of my head. You know, you don't see a lot of the back of your head... I was surprised at how layered my last haircut was... I had no idea what the back looked like.
This is one of the two AMAZING quilts that my friend Rayma made for Deedle. So beautiful... and they mean the world to me.
Rayma is actually my bosses wife, but over the last 7 years I have really made a great friend. She was diagnosed with AML Leukemia February 2008 and is currently in remission. The diagnosis is terminal, but she is doing great. Most remissions only last a year, but she has been in remission for 17 months and still doing great.
That is her in the black turtle neck... we are very similar and I that that bothers my boss more than anything... he says he can't get away with anything with her at home and me at work.
There were no pictures taken of the food or decor - everything was in green and white. The food was great and the cake was amazing. It was vanilla cream cake with raspberry filling. I am not even a fan of raspberries, and it was divine.
I am a very lucky mommy and Deedle is a very lucky baby to have friends and family like we do.
1 comment:
looks like soo much fun!
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