

Our first trip to pick apples was great... the second was even better.

It was a cool, crisp fall morning.

We went to a different farm, a much larger farm.

They were having a little festival, that was a surprise for us.

We arrived early, so we beat the crowd of people who knew there was a festival.

 There were sunflowers to meet...

 ... and apples low enough for Eva to touch them

 ... she tasted them

... all picked and ready to take home.

They also had pumpkins, squash, baked goods, veggies...

... these were Eva's favorites....

... so they came home too (not all of them, but a few).

Did you know that homemade applesauce is the best thing in the world?

Our first trip taught us this valuable lesson, and we might even have to make a third trip...


Jules said...

Thanks for sharing your Octoberfest!! We have only such token festivals in Phoenix. I love, love love October.

Nikki said...

Homemade applesauce sounds like a lot of work. You'll have to share tips so I can get motivated to try myself.