
The Why: A Guest Post

Grace writes one of my favorite blogs.  
She is a great photographer, has a way better sense of style than I...
and also creates wonderful blog designs.
Please go and visit.

So, when she asked me to be a guest on her blog I was beyond flattered.
I was a little stuck, stage fright I guess.

I had been struggling with blogging a bit this week.
I was questioning it for myself.

It is a great question...
one that usually involves a longer answer.

I have asked myself this question a lot.

Why bother?
Why blog?

Yes, sometimes it is bother...
up later than I need to be writing...
editing photos and commenting on others.

So why do I do it.

After a few minutes looking back at old entries.
Remembering, reminiscing...

I found my answer.
I blog simply for this...


To look back at these photos...
these words.
Days, months, even years from now...
and remember.

Remember the hotest day of the year.
Remember how humid and sticky it was...
and how we barely made it off the steps.

And how it felt...
watching him watch her.


And that is it simply...
why I blog.


Adrienne said...

Perfect. I think we all do the questioning thing at different points along the way. I told someone just last week, that I've recently figured out it's a ME thing. I enjoy the writing, and love figuring out how scrapbooking and photos fit into things. You know, it's funny...teaching scrapbooking, getting people to 'journal' or write about the photo's they're putting into albums is hard! Blogging seems to record the thoughts about the memories as well as the memories! It's amazing!

grace said...

i forget a lot of times why i blog. it's not about page views or affliate links... it's really about documenting my life and having something to look back on and remember my childhood when i'm an adult.
thanks for guest posting! :)

Cari said...

I LOVE your blog, don't you dare stop! Unless you really had to, but I would cry.

I think everyone is having a little summer-fever, and wants to do a little less blogging and soak up the rest of the summer.

It's hard sometimes, because the kids are the reason we do blog, and at the same time, the reason we don't.

Going to check out the guest post!

Amy said...

thank you for typing the lovely words my own blogging heart has been reaching for.

Heidi said...

The best reason.

Carol said...

Me too. Me too.

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