Arriving July 2017!!!
That's right folks, we are going to be a family of 6 this summer!
We are super excited and can't wait to meet this little person that will complete our family.
We found out November 1st, but waited to tell the kids right before Christmas.
The kiddos are all convinced we are having a baby brother. No matter how we try and explain that it is pretty much a 50/50 split on being a boy or girl, they aren't listening. Only time will tell, I guess. Michael and I are very tempted to see what this little one is at the ultrasound, but breaking a tradition of delivery room surprise is tough. We have a few more weeks before we have to decide...
Eva has been asking for another baby since Helena was born. She likes all things to be even, and three as you know is not an even number. We were pretty sure we were all done a year ago. Sure to the point we passed on baby and maternity things. Our family of 5 was feeling perfect.
Then the kids started asking and asking. They quickly recruited their daddy on their team. I was coming along to the idea, but I was quite surprised to see it happen for real. Lets just say that sometimes those handy tracking apps can be really, really wrong.
So here we are, second trimester and counting. I am finally feeling human again and it is wonderful. I think this has been the sickest pregnancy so far, and I was feeling that advanced maternal age, hardcore. There have been significant baby thumps felt and even Michael has felt this wiggle-worm a time or two. It was extremely exciting to feel them this early. Grow Deedle grow.
Love that the kids quicky recruited daddy!!!
Hay.. long time no see.. Hope everything is good there.. Im a big fan of your blog from Sri Lanka
yay! such a cutie..Have fun :)
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