
Dad's Day

Happy Father's Day...

There are three fathers in my life... and I am lucky to know each one.

The first is my daddy.  He took me everywhere and anywhere he could with him.  I helped him in construction, car repair and anything else I wanted to try.  Stubborn with a temper - as he has learned tact and forgiveness over his life, he softened my temper and gave this stubborn redheaded daughter of his a backbone that is strong and flexible.  He also taught me to appreciate the things about myself that are different and be okay with differences in others.  The lesson that hard work can take you pretty far, not working hard will rarely take you anywhere - but even these rules have a chance at being broken - your safest bet is to work hard and work smart.  Most of all - enjoy the time when you are not working the most.

The second is my husbands dad, Gary.  He has accepted me lovingly and with open arms into his family.  He is one of the hardest working and dedicated men I know.  He wants little for himself and worries about everyone else.  He loves to make others laugh and can't get enough of the slap stick comedy movies.  He has taken care of my husband so well and is the majority of the reason I think that Michael has worked so hard to be where he is today.

Then  there is the father-to-be in my life - Michael.  Seeing him with our little one is something I cannot wait to see.  Seeing Michael grow and change as this little life is put in our watchful care.  Watching him play tickle monster, seeing him laugh and smile, finding them napping together on the couch, seeing the tiny hand in his loving one... makes me so happy.  I know there will be times where we both are sleep deprived, and clueless on what to do next.  There is no one else who I would rather be overwhelmed with than Michael - so the rest of the 95% of the time is going to be amazing.

Happy Fathers' Day to you all.


Verily I go. said...

Very very nice. Lucky girl yes you are.

pve design said...

Wonderful. I love all my Fathers!
My Father, my Dad, my Father-in-law, my Husband, Father to our children and my sons who I hope will be blessed to be Fathers - one day!