
First Bites

Eva had her first solids. We started with avocado. I know it is not the typical starter food, but as far as baby food goes, it is a quick and fresh way to go. Just cut open and mash. Ta Da - instant baby food.
We tried carrots next and then green beans. She loves both of those. And I mean LOVES... as in "taking the spoon out of our hands and trying to get it there faster" loves them. She didn't like the avocado after the first time. We even tried to sneak a bite in the first night we gave her carrots. No way! There will be no sneaking. She knew instantly, made a terrible face and tried to push them out. It was so funny.

I have been making her baby food in small batches. Steam the veggies and then food process them until creamy. I added a bit olive oil to the green beans - a little good fat and flavor.

I freeze the veggies in an ice cube tray. We started with one cube thinking she would spit most of it out anyway. Not a chance. She gobbles them down. We are already up to two cubes at a time twice a day.

I was really thinking that it would take a while for her to get the hang of eating. I never thought she would take to it this well.

These small batches are not going to work for very long. I need to get more supplies and a deep freezer so that I can make a bunch of food for her at one time.
Good thing we are moving... yep - that has been our big news that I have been keeping to myself. We close in a few weeks! Eva will have a room all her own and we have room in the basement for a freezer. Right beside the washer and dryer. This girl is so excited about having her own washer and dryer again! Bye bye quarters... bye bye.

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