
Work in Progress

The doctors appointment today showed some progress. We are dilated to 2 cm and 50% effaced. So today I finished a few more things on the list. I still have a lot more - hopefully Saturday I will be able to knock out a lot of cleaning and getting the car seats installed. If Deedle plans on arriving before that - the rest will take care of its self... or at least we will get it all figured out somehow.

* clothes 0-3 months washed

* clothes 3-6 months washed
* towels and bath clothes washed
* blankets and linens washed
* delivery bag packed
* postpartum bag packed
* hospital music downloaded and ready
* house closet cleaning
* house cabinet and drawer cleaning
* contact list made
* car cleaned - detailed cleaning
* car seat installed - Michael's car and checked
* car seat installed - my car and checked
* preregistration at hospital
* baby book updated
* new baby book - first 3-5 years - found and purchased
* baby shower thank you's sent
* finish "The Happiest Baby on the Block"
* bra fitting
* photo session - or just some pictures taken of Michael and I
* hair cut
* pedicure - done myself

We are more or less patiently waiting your arrival Deedle. See you soon!

1 comment:

sarah @ life {sweet} life said...

Yeah for progress!! Looks like you are in good shape on your list, too. So excited for you! :)