
holiday in photos

Ready for her first Christmas party.

Making Christmas cookies shaped like butterflies and suns.

a night seeing lights and meeting real reindeer

selfies on a horse drawn carriage ride and being up way past bedtime

half birthday celebrations for our 2.5 year old.

waiting on the wake-up and they had to be woke up at 8:30

sparkly princess gear and heels

new trains to add to the collection

princess gear being shared

so much fun and poppy and goggy's that naps are taken in a big boy bed with christmas lights

sparkly playdough sleepover party with Aunt Carri and Uncle Jesse intown

finally meeting cousin Aria and catching up with her mommy and daddy

Good night and goodbye 2014

The holidays were good to us.

We did a lot less stuff this year: less running and more snuggling, less wrapping and more playing, less rushing and more family.  I didn't worry (too much) about traditions to keep going from the years past. We still did yearly ornaments but we didn't make them until after Christmas.  We were visited by Gerald the Elf again, but a lot of days Gerald returned to the same spot as the day before and one time - two days in a row.  He was taking it easy this year too.

We had one holiday party without the older kiddos.  Helena wore a red bow and I wore her the whole time as she snoozed.  Eva and Theo had what Eva called her pizza/babysitter party.  We bought the few gifts we wanted to give mostly online.  Eva and I made a batch of cookies one afternoon and Theo helped us decorate them the next day. We used a box mix and a tub of bright green icing that stained all our fingers.  When going to pick out a tree was becoming more of a chore than fun trip, Michael ran out one night and bought an artificial tree on super sale. The kids were asleep so Gerald the elf gifted it to them the next morning. The tree was left un-ornamented and just filled with lights so no one had to worry about breaking/losing/missing ornaments.  We enjoyed lots and lots of family and adopted family-time - ordered Thai take-out and made easy dinners.  Michael and I took turns sleeping in and went to bed at 9 to ring in the new year.  

Doing less things may be the best tradition yet.  


Unknown said...

A no-stress tradition is the best one yet! Your photos say it all: family fun!!!

Julia Goolia said...

Love this---such an awesome way to spend the holidays. Less is more!! And your family is just the sweetest.